Westlake and Primeritus Announce Partnership
Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA – February 22, 2013 – Los Angeles, CA – Westlake Financial Services, a full spectrum auto finance company, and Primeritus Financial Services announced their collaborative partnership today. Primeritus provides recovery management and skip tracing services to the automotive industry. Primeritus will assist Westlake with skip-to-locate services for Westlake’s post charge-off collateral accounts.
“Primeritus has a solid reputation in the industry by helping companies improve their collection services,” says Ian Anderson, President of Westlake Financial Services. “Westlake is proud to bring on a partner that will help us improve our portfolio by lowering losses and increasing our recovery.”
“Westlake and Primeritus share a common vision; to deliver best-in-class service, technology and results for our clients,” says Joe Mappes, Executive Vice President of Primeritus Financial Services. “By utilizing Primeritus SkipMasters, Westlake Financial will reduce their charge-off ratio, increase overall compliance measurements and mitigate losses across their entire portfolio. We are proud Westlake Financial has named Primeritus as their ‘go-to’ partner in this facet of their collections cycle.”
About Primeritus Financial Services: Primeritus Financial Services is a national provider of repossession management, remarketing, title services and skip tracing services to the auto finance industry in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Primeritus was created to lead the industry into a new era of repossession servicing. Primeritus has partnered with a robust network of professional recovery agents to add value for clients who are seeking to outsource the non-core business functions of their collateral recovery processes, or to supplement their existing recovery efforts. For more information on Primeritus Financial Services, please visit www.primeritus.com.
To learn more about the new DealerCenter website, view this short video: http://tinyurl.com/bsg3r4a or visit www.westlakefinancial.com.